Thursday, September 15, 2011

Federalist Paper #11

     At the time these papers were written, the existing power nations were a little nervous of America's adventurous commercial character realizing what it was capable of, especially if it formed a decent Navy. Those nations would be rooting for America's division in order to stay on top in the commercial world. A Federal Navy would benefit the country, not only for protection, but also in influencing commercial relations with other nations. A strong navy would not be possible without remaining united. As a strong, united nation our friendship, or at least neutrality, would be greatly desired, influencing our abilities to trade in a favorable manner with other nations. Without that power we would be taken advantage of commercially, being forced to accept others' prices and tariffs, most likely losing profits. We would no doubt lose our adventurous spirit, be disgraced, and end in poverty.
     The ideas in this paper are as relevant today as they were at the time. By borrowing money we are losing our control having to bow down to others (China). Without keeping our military strong we can be easily taken advantage of, both politically and commercially.

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