Friday, September 9, 2011

Federalist Paper #2

     Will the American People be better protected as one nation or as several separate confederacies? This is the question that had to be answered and the people had to be fully convinced that whatever was decided was based on sound policy. It was argued that it was obvious that we should stay together as one country - we are a connected country blessed with a variety of natural resources and industries and had a common background with a similar culture, religion, etc. and had fought together for the same liberty and independence. Our country was not made up of distant, detached territories and people.
     The men writing the Constitution were well respected men with the confidence of the people and were not distracted by power or influence, but focused by love of country. Today, the division of our people in its goals and ways of thinking as well as allowing our leaders to slip away from sound policy and be distracted by power and influence is definitely destroying our great nation. John Jay's final quote from Shakespeare could be a bit of prophesy: "Farewell! A Long farewell, to all my greatness."

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